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Popcorn Yarn Knitted Top

Posted on Aug 2, 2021 in Project Ideas

Experimenting with our popcorn yarn led us to this fun project!

Inspiration struck after making these knitted swatches. They really show off the texture of the yarn and how it works great in knitting, especially with stripes like these!

We knew we had to make something with them, and here it is!



      • Popcorn Yarn
          • Colors: blueberry puff, flamingo, fabulous fuchsia,
            rainbow gourmet, red-apple, cool cucumber
      • 6.5mm knitting needle
      • 6.5mm crochet hook (for straps, optional)


The first swatch being used is a simple two-row stripe with repeating colors.

Below, you can see the front and back of it. One side (left) shows some really interesting textures, so this side will be facing out.

This second swatch with more irregular stripes and patterns is rotated 90° to create an interesting look.


Back Panel

The two fabric swatches make up what will be the front of the top, but more knitting had to be done in order to make the back of it.

After measuring how wide the back had to be, a third panel is knitted using the same colors, and equally vibrant stripes. A one-inch blue stripe started off the bottom of this piece.


Using a crochet hook and single crochet stitches, the two smaller swatches are joined at the center.

After these two are joined, stitches are picked up across the bottom of this piece and used to knit a blue one-inch border across the bottom. This lines up with the blue stripe that the back panel started off with, so the top looks more cohesive as a whole garment.

With a crochet hook and single crochet stitches, the front and back panels are joined together using the same method as before.


Optional: Straps

With any color, thin straps can be created by using a chain stitch.

In this one, we doubled up the blue yarn to add some sturdiness to it.

Any loose ends are sewn in, and…

It’s Done!!

Look how well these colors, patterns, and yarn textures work together to create such a fun summer top!

If you’re feeling inspired, check out our collection of

popcorn yarn here.

As always, feel free to send us pictures if you try this out!